Have a Question? Ask & I'll Answer It With A Video

Pie in the Face for Who? Free Pie for You!

Welcome back to our video blog!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and what would Turkey Day be without some delicious pie? We wanted to show our appreciation by giving each of our past and present clients a pumpkin or apple pie!

If you would like one of these homemade desserts, just give us a call by Friday, Nov. 22nd. We will be sure to have your pie ready for pick up on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving from 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Make sure you come to our new office! We recently moved to an office located in the James Campbell Building across from the Kapolei Regional Park and the Police Station.  Click here to view a map.

When you stop by to pick up your pie you're automatically entered in a drawing for a new iPad mini! If you want an extra chance to win and help Women in Need give us a video testimonial. Just answer a few questions for us on video! Here is a list of those questions:

What was the situation you had that caused you to seek out our services?
What was it like working with us?
Now that we've helped you with your transaction, what was the biggest takeaway/benefit/life changing experience?
What stood out most about your real estate experience with Team Lally?
What was your favorite part of the real estate process with Team Lally?

For every video testimonial or review on Yelp, Trulia, Zillow, or Angie's List we receive between now and the end of the year we will donate $25 to our favorite nonprofit charity, Women In Need. If you would like to find out more about this charity please click here.

Remember, being stuck in the middle of a bad real estate transaction can feel like getting a pie in the face! We promise we won’t make a mess of your real estate transaction.

Listen to the Team Lally Real Estate Show - Home of the Guaranteed SOLD Program or We’ll Buy It - every Saturday at 11AM - 12PM on KHVH 830 and KIKI 990.

If you know of anyone interested in having a GREAT real estate experience please give us a call!

Thank You for Your Support and Happy Thanksgiving!