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Team Lally with UJ Ramdas

Adrienne and Attilio had a very inspiring guest, UJ Ramdas, co-creator of The Five-Minute Journal. They discussed that the main idea of the journal is for everyone to achieve more with less. Also, it is to help people seamlessly in creating positive habits without investing years in experimenting and research to achieve the same results.  

UJ Ramdas is passionate about bringing together practical psychology and business to create a better world. With a background in Behavioural Science, Marketing and Hypnosis, he's consulted with (several hundred) clients, bringing them from confusion to clarity. Currently based out of Toronto, Canada, he's a big fan of the wilderness, eastern meditative practices and a good cup of tea.

Website: http://www.fiveminutejournal.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FiveMinuteJournal
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