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Grandma Needs A Homeowner's Property Tax Exemption

We are here today to talk to you about property taxes. Currently, the minimum basic home exemption is $80,000. For homeowners age 65 and up, the exemption is $120,000.

To qualify, you must own and occupy the property as your primary residence, and your ownership must be recorded at the Bureau of Conveyance. You must file a claim by September 30th preceding the tax year of which you claim the exemption in order to get it.

Your claim must be
 filed by September 30.

There are other exemptions you should be aware of besides the single-home one, like exemptions for totally disabled veterans, low-income rental housing, and more.

Check out the website for the City of Honolulu’s Department of Budget and Fiscal Services Real Estate Assessment division, where there is a whole lot more information regarding this subject.

If you have any questions for us in the meantime, we are always here to help. Give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, and aloha!