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Want a Free Pumpkin Pie?

We are giving away free pies once again this Thanksgiving.
We’ll also be giving away gift cards and chances to pie one of us in the face!
Today we want to talk to you about free pumpkin pie. In appreciation of our clients, we are giving away free pies this Thanksgiving season. Call us by Monday, November 21st to reserve your pie, and it will be ready to pick up on Wednesday, November 23rd between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. right here at our office.

If you take a picture with your pie and film a video testimonial for us, we will also give you a gift card for the holidays. You can also come to donate to our homeless Keiki program. If you do, you’ll be able to pie either me or Adrienne in the face on pickup day.

Call us by November 21st
to reserve your pie.

Remember, being in a real estate transaction could leave you feeling like you got pie all over your face, just like Attilio in the video above.

If you have any questions for us, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. Don’t forget to listen to our show on Saturday at 11 a.m. on AM 830 KHVH, too. We look forward to hearing from you.