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Team Lally With Heather Patterson

Joining Team Lally in this episode is Heather Patterson,  Founder & Chief Happiness Officer at Happier Talent Development. Heather talks about how she grew up in Baltimore, moved to the midwest then on to Alaska, before landing in Hawaii 7 years ago. 

She talks about how her experience with bad managers in the past started her venture into helping people be happier at work.   She discusses how she started her business, Happier TD and how she transitioned from being employed to working as an entrepreneur.  

Heather goes through what she has learned about studying work relationships and shares some of the secrets and steps to being more happier at the workplace.  Attilio and Adrienne also share what Team Lally does to make working more fun and help keep the team inspired.

Also in this episode: Tips of the week, special events, this week's Open houses and Coming soon listings.

Who is Heather Patterson?
Heather Patterson is the Founder & Chief Happiness Officer at Happier Talent Development. She is an expert at speaking, coaching and advising clients to help them develop a happier workplace. Their clients range from mom-and-pop businesses to large corporations; white-collar to blue-collar.

She graduated from  Hawaii Pacific University, where she received a Bachelors in Business Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources, and has held the PHR designation from the Human Resources Certification Institute since 2011.

She has held key HR and Training roles for the last 10 years of her 20 years in the workforce.

To reach Heather you may contact her in the following ways:

Phone: 808-352-9290
Email: heather@happiertd.com
Website: www.happiertd.com
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/happiertalentdevelopment
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/happiertd/