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Team Lally Show with Matt Wagner

Joining Team Lally in this episode is Matt Wagner, owner of Radio And Television Experts.  Matt talks about his roots and family from Chicago and how the culture built around radio has influenced his career.  He also talks about how he transitioned to working with Real Estate agents and helping them become influencial radio personalities in their local area.

Matt also goes through the steps and some tips other agents can take to tap the different markets through the power of radio. We also discuss the story of how the endorsement of Gary Levotz for RATE Partners came about.

Also in this episode: Quotes of the day, Tips of the week, special events, this week's Open houses and Coming soon listings.

Who is Matt Wagner?

Matt has become known around the real estate industry as the premier consultant for helping top agents effectively use media to become local celebrities in their area and create a steady flow of easily converted prospects.

In 2004, he founded Radio And Television Experts, and has built exclusive relationships with the most influential national and local air personalities in the industry (that have helped clients cut through the clutter of ads on radio and TV and get trackable results).

To reach Matt Wagner, you may contact him in the following ways:

Phone: 405-673-7790
Website: http://www.radioandtelevisionexperts.com/
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-wagner-radio-tv-ad-pro-46a6566/