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Hawaii Midyear Real Estate Update PLUS a Very Special Invitation for All Our Clients!

Looking to buy or sell a home in Hawaii? Click here to perform a full home search, or if you're thinking of selling your home, click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You may also call us at (808) 426-7211 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.

We have witnessed some unexpected trends recently that we thought we should share with you. According to a report on CNN Money, interest rates are dropping to around 4%, the opposite of what was predicted by many analysts. We were expecting rates to steadily rise throughout the year, but this hasn't materialized in most markets.

Our market is currently slow but balanced. We aren't seeing the flurry of activity typical of the spring time. There are probably still more buyers than great homes but, with more and more homes becoming available, we are moving toward a more stable market. In the spring, if you had a nice home at a nice price, you probably received multiple offers. Now, as the market becomes more balanced, you will probably have to work a little harder to make your home attractive to buyers.

By working with a professional home stager and photographer, you can get your home to the top of the list of many buyers. We offer these services. as well as a professional video tour of your home, to clients who list with us for one reason: these techniques work. So, if you're thinking about selling your home, don't simply hire us, interview us. We want to meet with you and give you specific advice on what YOU can do to make your home attractive to buyers. 

Also, we want to take this time to extend to you an invitation to the 9th annual client appreciation party, which will be on the 24th of August. We would love to see you there, so click here to RSVP!