The Team Lally show with Adrienne Lally and Attilio Leonardi and guest Atty. Gary Dubin, host of The Foreclosure Hour show to share and explain with us what normally happens when there is a foreclosure and what usual mistakes some people do in a foreclosure ; He also talked about working on Homeowners' Super PAC and developing the homeowners' bill of rights and wrongs ; He also talked about Mortgage Integrity Act. We also have Gabe Amey of Hawaii VA Loans for the VA Tip of the Week and Duke Kimhan KW Property Manager for the PM Tip of the Week. Join us for an hour of real estate edutainment and more! - KHVH Radio
Team Lally Radio Show with guest Atty
The Team Lally show with Adrienne Lally and Attilio Leonardi and guest Atty. Gary Dubin, host of The Foreclosure Hour show to share and explain with us what normally happens when there is a foreclosure and what usual mistakes some people do in a foreclosure ; He also talked about working on Homeowners' Super PAC and developing the homeowners' bill of rights and wrongs ; He also talked about Mortgage Integrity Act. We also have Gabe Amey of Hawaii VA Loans for the VA Tip of the Week and Duke Kimhan KW Property Manager for the PM Tip of the Week. Join us for an hour of real estate edutainment and more! - KHVH Radio
Team Lally
Hawaii, USA