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consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.
Today we want to talk to you about buyer agents. Why would you need to work with a buyer agent if you can just work with any agent that can get you in to the house? We are going to answer that question.
A buyer agent is a real estate agent that represents only you, the buyer. Part of being a buyer agent is helping protect buyers from making bad decisions like overpaying or skipping the home inspection. In short, a buyer agent protects you. Sometimes the best investment is the one you don't make. Buyer agents are the ones who help you make the best decision, even if that best decision is to walk away.
Getting into a mortgage is a big commitment, just ask the people who have been underwater on their homes for the last few years. We bet they wish they would have had a buyer agent to tell them that maybe they were overpaying or maybe they picked the wrong mortgage.
If you're looking for a buyer agent that will be honest with you and help you make the best decision, we know the market and how to get you into the perfect home for your situation. Give us a call or send us an email if you have any questions. Thanks, and aloha!