The Team Lally Show with Adrienne Lally and Attilio Leonardi with guest David Cain of Cain and Herren ALC, the Attorneys with Heart for the Legal Tip of The Week. We also have Debbie Williams of ATD Consultants to talk about Home Appraisal. She also shared with us how long she'd been appraising homes, shared the changes on how appraisals are being done and what's being included and cleared some misconceptions about appraisers. This edutaining episode will surely change your life forever! -KAOI AM1110
Team Lally Radio Show with guest Debbie Williams
The Team Lally Show with Adrienne Lally and Attilio Leonardi with guest David Cain of Cain and Herren ALC, the Attorneys with Heart for the Legal Tip of The Week. We also have Debbie Williams of ATD Consultants to talk about Home Appraisal. She also shared with us how long she'd been appraising homes, shared the changes on how appraisals are being done and what's being included and cleared some misconceptions about appraisers. This edutaining episode will surely change your life forever! -KAOI AM1110
Team Lally
Hawaii, USA